Before you dismiss PR or assume it’s a piece of cake to generate top tier coverage, understand what it takes to create compelling news and capture the attention of career journalists.
Continue readingLooking for a trusted agency partner? You might want to rethink your RFP.
Before you dismiss PR or assume it’s a piece of cake to generate top tier coverage, understand what it takes to create compelling news and capture the attention of career journalists.
Continue readingThe Strength of Global Collaboration
Before you dismiss PR or assume it’s a piece of cake to generate top tier coverage, understand what it takes to create compelling news and capture the attention of career journalists.
Continue readingDecluttering Business Brings Relief in All the Right Ways
Before you dismiss PR or assume it’s a piece of cake to generate top tier coverage, understand what it takes to create compelling news and capture the attention of career journalists.
Continue readingWith Flexibility, Empathy and Grit – We Made it Through
2020 is almost over, thank goodness. Incredible, unprecedented, unimaginable, challenging, these are some of the more polite words we’ve used to describe this year and what we’ve experienced. Early into the pandemic I wrote an OPED in the Montreal Gazette about the angst of being a small business owner and my frustration with the federal government and their lack of support. Oh, how they could have done things better on so many levels.
Continue readingOh Canada. Our Vaccination Response May be Too Little, but Hopefully Not Too Late
When it comes to the best places to live in the world, many Canadian cities rank high on the liveability index. However, if we are to be measured by the performance of our vaccine rollout, our scores are among the lowest in the world and considered by many to be a national embarrassment.
Continue readingHeroes or Hacks? What you should know about PR before you trash talk us.
Before you dismiss PR or assume it’s a piece of cake to generate top tier coverage, understand what it takes to create compelling news and capture the attention of career journalists.
Continue readingOpinion: Small businesses shouldn’t have to beg for help
In the COVID-19 world, insomnia and a laptop can be a dangerous combination. I own a small business and presumably the life blood of our beleaguered economy.
Continue readingYou Never Know What You’ve Got ‘Till Its Gone: How the ideal job description came alive at energi
Last week we said cheerio to a young healthcare communications professional who spent three weeks at energi on an exchange.
Continue readingWhoever media trained Jared Kushner should get the Donald J. Trump one-liner, “You’re Fired »
If you live in a glass house, get some better window treatment.
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